Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Making, Mindfulness, Pizza and Frames

Today I co-led two workshops for early childhood teachers on collage.  It was fun to see people enjoy playing with materials and trying different approaches to collage.  At the end of the afternoon workshop, one person told me she doesn't really do meditation but for her this creates her space.  It is lovely to see this theme emerge again and again in working with people.

Tonight I made pizza - a different kind of making but they are pretty.  AND it was a good reminder to myself to take this making commitment lightly.  A full day of presenting and being "on" doesn't leave a whole lot left for creating new work of my own.  Cooking is self nurturance as well as nurturing my family.

This evening I completed two more frames so I can finish and frame my series of collages of Bald Head Island.  I look forward to seeing them complete but it's a little bitter-sweet, as I wonder what art project will be my next thing...

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