Saturday, December 24, 2016

Making gifts

One of my favorite things about Christmas is making gifts.  My husband and I spent our first Christmas together with the first floor of our townhouse turned into a workshop.  The project I remember best was a shadow box for his grandfather featuring photos of Chad, his father and his grandfather each with their Navy shoulder boards.  That required 9 carefully cut holes in a single piece of matt board as well as backing board, and staining and making the frame.
This shadow box created at the 11th hour is a bit simpler.  It is a store-bought shadow box.  My son has been wanting to frame the license plate to the car he wrecked this summer.  The photos were staged the day after, contrary to the picture, the adult took full responsibility.  It was his idea...
I'm also thankful for a home to create space for fun and celebration by these wonderful young people. It feels different having bigger kids this Christmas - thankful for the chance to celebrate with them and see them celebrate with their friends.
Cranberry ginger ale made it a particularly festive evening...

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